

Hello kittens! 

I was supposed to post this article yesterday but after thinking about it, starting to write it and going back over my words, I thought I'd keep it simple and stop trying to make messy assessments, it's not an exercise I excel at, birthdays... So I'll try to keep it short, because no matter what Make My Lemonade has changed my life....

I'm really moved because I realized without really thinking about it that the blog blew out its third candle last week. Three years I've been running around. Two years since I started out on my own and 1 year since there's been a lemon team! I'm moved because in 3 years my life has changed, and that's thanks to the blog, to you. When I decided to embark on the blog adventure, I felt it was a bit like sending a bottle into the ocean of the Internets, and finally one day you found me, a wave of love, and there are more and more of you every day... I think it's crazy, to give you appointments with each new article, to read you through your comments, your e-mails, social networks... I feel full of gratitude, and it's so good to find such a positive echo to what we do. So thank you, for this, for being so sweet, so intelligent and so sensitive too. You make me want to be better, to surprise you, a bit like a love story, you make me grow, and, over time, I've learned to do things for you but above all for myself... You've also enabled me to reach my wildest dreams, but we'll talk about that soon... And even if I'm just a mountain of doubts, you enable me to climb my life, a little more every day.

I'm sorry I didn't warn you that this would be a violin and chocolates in the shape of a heart, but it just came out that way... THANK YOU THANK YOU THANK YOU! 

To help me out a little, if you've got two minutes, I'd love you to answer these three questions that are nagging at me - yes, nagging - and that might help me better deliver your daily dose of lemonade...

  • - When do you come to Make My Lemonade, in the morning with your breakfast, at lunchtime on your way home from a break, in the evening on the bus?
  • - What kind of sections would you like to see more often? DIY, Look, Beauty, Making of tell me all?
  • - If you had to optimize something in the navigation, would you like to have a lemonade forum for DIY tips, haberdashery and sewing lessons?

Lemonadement vôtre, 



You can find the English version here.

March 25, 2015