Happy sunday my pumpkins,

This is a little deco selection special office, you’ll see that some things are not quite adjustable to a firm life... But the truth is that I do (almost) everything in my office starting with making-up, you’d tell me it’s a mission like any other and it certainly is the one I undertake every morning. My office is next to a window and it is a joy to see yourself with a natural light... Because I think that having a window in your bathroom in Paris is quite impossible, I exile myself into my office and so far I’ve been making-up with a pocket mirror... But with real light ! I am completely fascinated by women who manage to make-up in the subway! It’s already something to go out of your home with no make-up and well done to know how to put mascara without caring about everyone looking at you... I don’t see it as shamelessness but more as high-wire act to succeed to make-up with the green neon light of the RATP, it’s like... The job of a life! Anyway I came here to talk about deco... While waiting to write a post about office decoration, I perfect my wish list of the things I dream about to take pictures of my home sweet home. 


wish list bureau


Because it is important to have a flowered office, I found these amazing magnifying glass vases on a new awesome website the cool republic, little idea for Mother Day... Just saying. 1. Big bloom vase 32€ via the cool republic. It’s not really an office light but it’s nice to create an atmosphere, and here at home we are obsessed with owls... 2. Owl light UO 40€. I received an email from the designer Juliette Beaupin, you need to go to see the nice things this girl offers... Careful, mad love for this chair that would just be perfect in my office... 3. Vintage chair renovated by Juliette 165€ Juliette Beaupin. This is a wink to those who know me since I had a similar phone for years, I sprayed it consecutively with neon pink pain, then with turquoise paint and I ended up sticking tiny strass on the buttons... I don’t know where it is by the way... 4. Beige retro phone 59,90€ Fleux. And the object of all my desires that would be so perfect on my desk for my make-up session... 5. Mirror Y’a pas le feu au lac via the cool republic again. And to finish with I can’t wait to spend my lunch break reading the last book of Margaux Motin which I’m sure will make me cry with laughter. Just the cover... 6. La tectonique des plaques Margaux Motin 22,95€.

And only for you I’m giving you a preview of my office... You can find these paper lanterns and alveolus balls at Alix’s sous le lampion, an Aladin’s cave (and the little furniture I found it in the street so not link available...) Kisses, see you tomorrow!



12 mai, 2013 — lisa gachet




Happy friday my kittens,

I hope you’re doing fine! No you’re not dreaming I am wearing a Pierrot dress... I like this character and his friend Colombine so much that it’s possible that some day I do a Commedia Dell’arte Theme week... You know how I love these collars... How do we call them by the way ? Besides Pierrot collars I mean ? I saw that you have a crush on my Top Shop dress remember... So it’s almost with my eyes closed that I told myself there was chances that this dress would talk to you. And to tell you the truth I’ve been a fan of Alison GoldFrapp and her universe for year and I have a picture that follows me from inspiration to mood boards: this one... Do you understand me better now ?

I guess that not everybody is as...well...crazy as I am? To go out in a Pierrot Dress you know... But try to see further than the tip of your nose and imagine this dress in black (or in fuchsia) and without the pompoms... A tiny bit shorter with a pair of jean shorts... Try to transpose it... And for the most unadventurous of you, I’m giving you a gift/bonus of love: the DIY of the silk Pierrot collar... Remember, I owed you a last DIY video with Bershka... Well it’s done, you can find it at the end of this post with all the explanations to make your collar, either fixed or detachable...

 And to catch up and thank you for your fidelity and you constant love! You can win the customized sweatshirt... To participate tell me your life, I love reading you... What is you obsession, you fashion fantasy... I confessed mine, the Pierrot collar of Alison GoldFrapp, but what is yours ? The strapless jumpsuit of Olivia Newton-John in Grease ? The sunny pleated of Penny Johnson in Dirty Dancing ? Tell me everything and I’ll pick the winner on monday at noon... (and I’ll publish the results straightaway I promise.)

 To do this dress, let’s say if you want it straight it’s a 38/40 and if you want it loose it’s a 36... But the pattern is really easy so you’ll be able to adapt it to your own shape without a problem I promise... 




So you’ll need:

  • -  reproduce the pattern to the scale 1, you can download the indications ICI,
  • -  Fabric for the dress here it’s flannelette (1,5m/1,4m) or cotton as you like,
  • -  Silk for the collar (16cm/3m),
  • -  2 pompoms,
  • -  Small lace for the finishing touches of the collar,
  • -  Rubber band (3 cm wide) to elasticized the bottom of your dress (optional)
  • -  Scissors, pins, a sewing machine and an iron...

To start with, cut the 6 parts of your dress (SO easy...), one front and one back, the sleeves and the facing, I couldn’t make it easier fig. 2. Start with making a small hem to finish the sleeves. How do to make a hem ? Refer to the video «the essentials»...fig. 3. Then pin the back and the front (right side against right side), start with the shoulders fig. 4. Sew and open the seam with your iron. Now pin the sleeve to the back and front as shown on fig. 5. Then sew and iron to open the seams fig. 6. Until now it’s fine right ? Fold the lot right side against right side, the dress is forming inside out, pin and sew the rest of the dress. Fig. 7. Well open the seams and turn the dress up, this is a good start... Fig. 8




Put the dress aside and take your silk strip, if you’re a beginner and patient, pin the lace on the edge of your strip fig. 1 otherwise go directly to the next step, which is: sew the strip and the lace altogether with a zigzag stitch lengthwise fig. 2 and here you have a discreet and solid stitch fig. 3. Then sew the stitching threads, if you watched the video about the essentials you should know how to do it otherwise all the steps are explained in the video at the end of this post fig. 4. Take the two threads from above or from below, and you run them up delicately towards the inside fig. 5. Uniformly distribute the gather on the length of your collar (it depends on your head size, see the pattern...) fig. 6. Pin your collar on the right side of your dress fig. 7. And sew the lot with your machine (don’t forget to assemble by hand the two ends of your collar with a little hem). Now let’s get to the finishing touches of your dress, assemble the back and the front of your facing, right side against right side fig. 8. Sew and open the seams. 



Pin the facing on the dress while sandwiching the collar as shown in fig. 1. Sew the facing on the dress, don’t forget to notch the curves and iron the lot to have a neat collar, then fix the facing into the inside of your dress. Then you can either sew with your machine or by hand if you want your stitch to be invisible (but in both case the stitches will be covered by the Pierrot collar) fig. 2. And we could finish here fig. 3... But you certainly don’t know me very well if you think I’m going to stop here, now with a big needle, put the pompoms on your dress, thread your piece of wool into the eye (pieces of wool previously kept long...). Once both you threads sewed on the wrong side, make knots on top of each other and turn over...







The winner is Chloé! Congrats Miss !

Capture d’écran 2013-05-13 à 12.14.31

10 mai, 2013 — lisa gachet




Hello my littles cats !

I’m going through a rough patch, nothing bad but not so easy anyway, I’m calling it: the wait...  Wait for my baby book to be here, I’m waiting for my website to be translated, I’m waiting for my new design to be ready (normally at the beginning of June, so as the book and the translation...) and I’m waiting for June, because during this month my projects will be out, the ones I’m dying to talk to you about, but there is an embargo on them right now... Yes I know, I tried to sneak it like that but the book will be a little late, I am as disappointed as you are but it’s getting ready and beautiful, and with all these bank holidays it’s not easy to be on time... Anyway, the wait is long and I’m stamping, I’m counting the days like a kid before christmas or his birthday...

So instead of spending my days saying that I’m dying for all these things to happen or «I can’t wait anymore», I’m using this time usefully. Yes because to add up to the wait, I want to get better, to learn how to use new tools to retouch pictures, I want to put my touch on my pics. And on the top of that I’d like to understand the language of the internet with html codes and other stuffs to maximize my website. I have desires of progress but I know it will need some time. So I suffer in silence because I grope and I learn, it’s both awesome because I’m going to bed every night a little less dumb and frustrating because I’m not learning as fast as I’d like to... I’m on it... It’s like I absolutely had to finish decorating my office before actually work in it, as if the choice of a pencil cup would determine the quality of my future work (no, I’m not crazy I’m sure you see my point...)

So here I am, drawing to relax myself, I draw my new buddies... My winning trio of the moment, for my shooting days and other urban adventures, I’m wearing my biker boots Sendra, leather sleepers that seem tireless, they are strong and comfy, really a good catch (and the must, they are hand-crafted, yeah I’m showing off a little bit...). Then there is my favorite, the winner of comfort and cuteness, these derbies Clotaire imagined by my friend Violaine  (I need to talk to you about her soon because she is soo cool) and by her associate Elsa, this little brand revolutionize the world of kids shoes, because of the quality of these leather shoes first and because of their price as well... Amen. And a must, Clotaire also makes 37, 38, 39... Alleluia ! GO for it ! And finally my colorful stiletto because femininity is really important, after I played Lucky Luke and Le Petit Nicolas for a day I like wearing my favorite Mellow Yellow (ok, I have a pair of flats in my bag...), just to not forget I’m a woman as well...

 See you tomorrow my kittens ! 


09 mai, 2013 — lisa gachet




The good people are back on the blog, I’d missed time and organization to do it... But I have a lot of wonderful people to introduce you to! It’s funny ‘cause the feeling is the same, I can’t wait to read your reactions... Okay, I have to warn you, you must be over 18 (21, the legal age in France is 18...) to read this article, and I have to remind you to drink responsibly! Mummy time’s over, I have to tell you about Scott S. I met this man in another life, that is not so far away after all, but he is one of these people that always watch you with a watchful eye from somewhere, a friend you know... Back in the time he was the manager of the Ufo (49, rue Jean Pierre Timbaud 75011) and I need to ear a little extra money so Scott took me under his tattooed wing and whispered me the secrets of the hand-drown beer and other tricks to make perfect mojitos... Amen. Scott, he his the kind of guy that when you invite him over for a brunch, he always comes with flowers, a chicken and a bottle of wine. La classe... Besides, he was the one to give me my worse nickname ever «Ma petite cocotte minute chérie d’amour des îles»... («My little sweet love pressure cooker from the islands», literally...) Yeah.. You have to say it with his american accent... 


Post Scott 2


When he was 5, Scott was already selling lemonade on the sidewalk of his little german town, then he grew up in San Francisco, Oakland and Las Vegas, before coming to Paris in 1998. Ever since, he learnt at great places such as the Red House, the UFO or the Silencio, and he opened his very own place on the last 26th of February, with the creator of the UFO, the Kremlin and the Rock and Roll Circus: with a wind of revival and exoticism, a tiki bar: le Dirty Dick... Yes I know... DIRTY DICK! Incidentally, the dirty dick is the former name of an escort bar, that they took to launch they cocktail bar, and I remember with nostalgia the cocktails at the Ufo that Scott had already baptize as Strawberry Slut or Part-time Prostitute, and with some perspective now Dirty Dick isn’t so shocking... I like the ideas of very good young girls saying «Hey girls, let’s meet later at the Dirty Dick?». A little like girls who’d wear a Claudine collar and would have her arm tattooed... You see ?


Post Scott 3


The Dirty Dick is a tiki bar... Tiki ? The tiki circle of influence, it’s a tendency from the 60’s very popular and very present in all the american medias at the time. Indeed at that time Hawaii becomes an american state and the hawaiian shirts flood the clothe market... To some details. I see it as a way of life half between Palm Spring’s old fashion romanticism and Waikiki’s crazy exoticism... And the icing on the cake, a few years later, the beach boys show up on the radio, do you see the atmosphere ? Well imagine it with a Mai Tai drink in your hand, and rum as a religion obviously... 


Post Scott 1


In the Dirty Dick, Scott and his dream team welcome you wearing hawaiian shirt and shells necklaces, and just for that you have to go... Scott has sublime gustatory surprises in stock for you, an edifying cocktail menu with exotic names such as Beachcomber, The cannibal’s dilemma or even Pain Killer... To savor into a Tiki glass, or to share with 14-meters straws into giant shell shaped punch bowls or into a smoking volcano. A little bonus that will seduce you and which is Scott’s pride, they make all the sirups and other additives to the cocktails themselves... His homemade almond syrup is amazing, and has a little after-taste of peanut (I’m dying)... I think you might have got it, I succumbed to the charm of this place and I’m asking for more... Actually, I go there tonight to cure my lack of sun!


Post Scott 4


And what would be a portray of the good people without my thoughtful and essential questions... I admit that I had to considerably reduce my list... Because Scott is a mysterious man and he doesn’t give away his secret so easily... So not existentialist questions about the spice girls or what’s hiding in his purse for this time...

 What is your favorite alcohol ?


 What is your favorite food ?


What dish always cheer you up ?


What is your way of life ?

 Have a good time and spend all the money you make...

 Your beauty good address ?

 Seb, le Sphinx (private tattoo parlor)

 Your dinner good address ?

 Les affranchis 5 Rue Henry Monnier 75009 Paris

 Your awesome coolest bar good address ?

 THE DIRTY DICK!!!!!!! 10 rue Frochot 75009 Go and like his page...

Thanks! And see you there tonight ?



01 mai, 2013 — lisa gachet


Hello mes petits Mowglis des bois jolis

 Oh boy it’s the Wailing Wall, the comments of yesterday’s post ! You made my laughed, and I got some reading... Thank you for your enthusiasm. Today, I have another good deal to share with you, after the Maje sale from a few weeks ago, here is the Claudie Pierlot sale. I was like a little mouse there yesterday, you know how I love doing that: be around and see the wings of things... This time I did a video of the installation of the sale as well as some looks with all my dream pieces, I think I really like this brand... The temptation was hard to withstand, I already have a dresser full to breaking point but if I had listened to the small voice over my shoulder, I’d have gone mad! Enjoy!


25 avril, 2013 — lisa gachet




My kittens!

Last night I was having dinner with some friends and I have to say they teased me quite a lot... Based on nano attack about my verbal tics and my dyslexia to name but a few... One told me «I read you even called your reader «my chestnuts»...» Yes it’s true and I’m proud, I’d love being the chestnut of someone, or worse the butter biscuit, so I’m asking you: do you have a psychological problem with me imagining you as little chestnuts, isn’t better than a big potato? Although I could totally call you my little sweet potatoes, I wouldn’t have any trouble with it. If I’m going too far into silly nicknames, you have to censor me. 

Anyway! Editorial questioning aside, back to our today’s topic... Since the beginning of the blog, I celebrate, I honor even, you fidelity and your love with a little contest every 1000 followers. And lately I’ve been running late, and I sincerely apologize for that... Life really is rich and I had work all over my head! How I’d like to be wonder woman, or to have a magical time-turner to be able to live 48h in one day (any reference to Harry Potter is pure luck). I’m giving you a little DIY/contest to tell you THANK YOU one more time. Thank you for your words, your emails, your support, your winks and your pictures... Even though I don’t have the time to answer you lately, I’m working on it and I want you to know that I read you with as much delight as ever. To start catching up, I give you the opportunity to win seven (one for every day of the week!) head bands aka «knot that holds by itself», you simply have to write a comment telling me what is your worst nickname ever... I’ll pick the winner on saturday at noon and I’ll put it at the end of this post! It’s your turn now and I love you bien fort!




To make this DIY you’ll need:

  • a rectangle piece of fabric 74 cm x 21 cm,
  • Some wire (quite flexible) 130 cm,
  • A pair of scissors, 
  • Some thread and a needle, and a marker,
  • And the PATTERN ( PATRON ). 

To start with, fold the fabric into two (right side against right side) lengthwise fig. 2. Well flatten this fold with your warmed iron fig.3. It will help you to precisely draw the PATTERN (PATRON) of your headband afterwards. Take you pattern drawn on a thick paper and copy it on the wrong side of your fabric. Take the fold as a base to limit the number of your stitches (yes, I also find you solutions to spoon-feed you...) fig.4. With your scissors, cut 1cm away from the drawing of your pattern, it is your sewing reference (cut both layers of fabric together) fig. 5. Then with your machine, sew the head band following the drawing, you can pin both sides together before starting if it can reassure you fig. 6. Small tip: to be able to slide and put the wire into your head band, do not start sewing at the beginning of the drawing but plan to start your stitch about 3 or 4 cm away from the edge, you’ll close this hole with a hand stitch later fig. 7. Turn the headband on the right side by sliding everything through the hole we just mentioned fig. 8. 




Here you are with a beginning of headband...fig.1. Not bad but not crazy either, plug your iron to flatten down the seams fig. 2, it starts to look like something. Take the wire and make a circle, and to close it twist both ends together fig. 3. Fold this circle into two in order to get a sort of french baguette out of wire (sorry for this comparison) fig. 4. And start  putting the wire into the intended headband’s hole fig. 5. Once the wire entirely inside, close the hole with your thread and needle fig.6. And small advice: for a better shape, do a hand stitch on both peak ends of your headband, being careful to take the wire into it so it will stay into your knot’s peak... Fig. 7. And TA-DA! Fig. 8... Have fun !

The winner of the contest is Alexandra and her lovely nickname «crotte de nez»... Thank you for your participation! Love! 




La gagnante du concours est Alexandra avec le surnom adorable de crotte de nez...Merci de votre participation! de l'amour! 

Capture d’écran 2013-05-08 à 22.06.33

24 avril, 2013 — lisa gachet

Happy FRIDAY #42

Happy Friday honeys ! 

I hope you’re doing fine, I have cravings for light pink, for sweet pink, for gentleness, for Spring finally... The other day, my friend Justine B, enthusiast for heartfelt words and a true live dictionary when it comes to old-fashioned french sayings, told me «en avril ne te découvre pas d’un fil» (something like don’t go out without your coat in april...) although she was dressed like it was the heart of winter on a beautiful sunny (and rare) spring afternoon. Okay then, I won’t even remove a feather even though I really want to wear my flowery shorts and my open toes flat shoes... So here is my fluffy perched on look... I’ve always loved the Sonia Rykiel looks with the feathers coats like this one or this one, i would advise to always take a size smaller when you buy this kind of clothes, even if you feel tight... Let me explain, I bought another comforter jacket last winter, a kind of synthetic sheepskin beige jacket. I realize this description might not be the best but it is actually a very cool jacket. This comforter jacket and this fluffy jacket are quite from the same family of clothes, the ones that you see on the hanger and you desperately want, already picturing yourselves as Sienna Miller to be, and once you have them on well, you look like Chewbacca or P.Diddy, your choice. So, my parry is to 1. Take a small size and 2. Wear it like a mid-season cape. Love you much, see you this weekend for a hairstyle DIY...

Lisa Chewbacca... 




So today I’m wearing Steve Madden heels, that I (almost) never leave, nude is like the new black... A Madame à Paris pair of pants, polka-doted of course. A lace blouse and a coat made out of ostrich-feather La redoute création, my little polka-dot knot my little box (matching up to the bun) and Gérard before it got Birkinized. Thanks to Charlotte for these pictures!



19 avril, 2013 — lisa gachet

Femme à ...



My chestnuts, 

I had a conversation with a friend a little while ago who was telling me that yes, us the girls, we had a pathology with purse and shoes... Beside the misogynous characteristic of its remark, I told him that women were not all the same!

Indeed, if some have a tendency to systematically and compulsively buy shoes and purses to extend their gigantic collection, I think others exist that have a more located problem. Let me explain: in my family we are 3 girls: my mother, my sister and I. 


darel 3


My mother might have at leaast 80 purses looking more or less like each other, going from beige to fawn, through chocolate and camel, with a small touch of leopard from time to time. A lifetime collection... On the side she might have like ten pairs of shoes (she always buys the same pairs but that’s another story...) Let’s say that Martine (her name) is a purse  woman. 

 My sister Maureen (say «Hi Maureen!») even though I haven’t been into her closet lately, I know her well enough to say, excuse my french, that she swings both ways (purse and shoes). Her heart isn’t torn between the two of them, it is big enough for both. Mau is a purse and a shoes woman. 




As for me, I’d say I’m definitely a shoes girl, an non-practicable on an everyday basis shoes girl, but you already know that. So if today I’m telling you this it’s because I open, careful, I partially open the door of my purses closet. Remember I wore for two years and for at least 712 days in a row my Musuelly purse... A few months ago I abandoned it for my crazy Erotokritos suitcase/hand-purse, but it is so big that I can put my entire life into it, so much that I can’t stop filling it and at the end of the day, I lean. So I found an alternative: a new lover, Gérard. It is a reedition of Gérard Darel’s 24h bag, by the way the brand reedit 11 iconic models, mine is the one from 2012... Big year for me since it’s the year of the launch of Make my lemonade! Anyway I will leave you with these little pictures of what is hiding into my purse, and of some tips to customize a beautiful leather bag without destroying it... If you see what I mean... I like the idea of hanging up souvenirs... As for the Birkin, from Jane Birkin, a purse like a buddy that would come with me over time and be the witness of the years passing by.




 Bottom line, all women aren’t all the same... What about you? Are you more a purse type ? A shoes type ? Or both ?

18 avril, 2013 — lisa gachet


Youhou this crazy pun, I’m proud of this one... I read in your comments from last sunday’s you saw that my bun is back «you don’t change a winning team...». This little bun on my head is the most convenient thing for me, knowing that I’m not the I-spend-hours-trying-to-do-my-hair type of girl... That said however, I enjoy taking care of myself from time to time, curling my hair and savagely mess them up... But to achieve this, I have to dry them, to put 12 hair products on, then to curl them and finally to mess them up... How to loose 30 minutes that I could have used on 100 000 more creative ways. Let’s say that if I nicely do my hair it’s because I’m procrastinating... We can’t do it all my good lady, I see my hair priority again and «the leopard can’t change its spots»...




So a little illustration for today... Because I loved doing them for my book, so I thought I was now going to try to post one from time to time, to keep training... This blog is also my journal you know, as well as a kind of routine/creative hygiene so I’ll finish with a subtle and popular saying: «practice makes perfect». Love you see you tomorrow...



17 avril, 2013 — lisa gachet




Okay, beginnings of Spring are quite messy... But we can’t blame it because it’s never easy to come back, and the sun is trying to find its feet, it has to find its place, fight with the clouds that reside in the sky since a little loo long... It has to impose, not to relax its efforts, come on Mister Sun, you’re almost there, do I have to remind you that I’m counting on you to organize a HUGE aperitif on the Canal St Martin banks for the 10 000th followers, so please I’d rather draw flowery shorts than a raincoat for the occasion. Waiting to meet you IRL, to celebrate the sun and your passion for Make My Lemonade, I long for imagining recipes with edible flowers, I find it charming, delightful and so topical... I think flowers will become a regular ingredients around here... Sweet kisses and good luck for this week! Go Go Go little mister sunshine!




To make 6 bavarois (bavarian creams), you will need: 

  • 400 g of pealed bananas,
  • 20 cl of very cold whipping cream,
  • 1 teaspoon of agar-agar, 
  • 25 g of sugar (light so far)

 To make the Matcha tea biscuits, you will need:

  • 150 g of flour, 
  • 100 g of melted butter, 
  • 45 g of superfine sugar, 
  • 1 pack of vanilla sugar, 
  • 1 teaspoon of matcha green tea (special baking)

 And to enhance the lot, edible flowers! Available in baskets at the Grande Epicerie de Paris, but I think you can find some at your farmer’s market ?




Let’s start with the bavarois, with your blender reduce the bananas into a mash and put aside. In a mixing bowl, whip up the whipping cream into a firm Chantilly and put it into the fridge. Now, into a pan, pour 5 cl of water with the sugar, bring it to a boil and add the agar-agar when it come to the boil. Stir up for the agar-agar to dissolve perfectly, add the banana mash and cook over low heat for a few moments. Finally fill the silicone muffin pan (much easier to remove). Put your bavarois into the fridge for a few hours, or bake them the night before to have them for lunch... 

 While the bavarois are setting, make the the match biscuits. In a mixing bowl, mix the melted butter, the flour, the sugar and the matcha tea, then knead the dough, if it becomes too sticky you can add flour. Cover with cellophane before putting it in the fridge for 15 minutes. Once your dough is cold and solidified, roll it out on a floured surface until you have about 1 cm. Then with a cooking cutter that is the same size than your muffin pan (or a tiny bit bigger) cut your biscuits. Put them on your baking tray (with baking paper) and cook for 20 to 25 minutes at 150°C. 

Let your biscuit completely cool down before handling them. Then plate up with a matcha tea biscuit, remove a bavarois from its mold on top and add a bouquet of fresh and edible flowers! Enjoy! 

 Bonus: apple + kiwi + mint + ginger and a hint of matcha ! 




Bonus: pomme + kiwi + menthe + gingembre et un soupçon de matcha!

15 avril, 2013 — lisa gachet

HAPPY Sunday #2

This is it my kittens, Spring is here ! 

I’ve missed you, I have so many stuffs I want to tell you ! First of all let’s talk about the sun and the long-awaited abandonment of the tights in my socks drawer this morning. How delightful ! Actually I had lunch on a roof top and it was so warm, so hot that it I had forgotten that the sun can really heat up and I now have the mark of my tee-shirt like a truck driver, but I’m not going to complain I’m good I had my dose of sunshine for the week. Awoken late, I’m finally rested and I feel ready to live life to its fullest, or at least this coming week. Especially considering that the week that just happened was full of development, full of government reform and more domestic war council that I can’t talk to you about yet (but it’s coming soon!)... So if the God of Creation is okay with it, I should have a tiny bit of more time for myself, for you guys and for the blog! I was telling you a few months ago of my want of a new design for this cyber space, well it’s slowly coming and I think things will change with the launch of the book, some news with the ergonomics, the browsing... Anyways I noted your wishes and the translation is also coming, and I’m counting on you to spread the news... I’m also working on my personal website (something like lisagachet.com) with the pictures of my projects from different areas in order to show you my job and to clarify some things for everyone (including me)... The start of this year 2013 really is the setting up of a new life for me... Keep going




Today I also want to give you a little news that should make you happy, it is making me happy anyhow: I’m collaborating with Arlettie, the famous organizer of prestigious private-sales, I’ll keep you posted about the next sales en avant-première. Stay tuned because there should be some nice ones in a few days... From wednesday you’ll be able to find this  little dress or this leopard coat at the Maje sale, I agree I’m a little obsessed with leopard these days. My Zara golden derbies, my Oh so handsome Galia necklace, transparent plexiglas glasses from my lover and a little knot made of fabric and wire from april’s My little box but I think I want plenty of them and a DIY should be on its way soon... Have a good sunny evening !

 PS: I’ve missed you and thank you for all your wonderful feedbacks about the videos, it makes me want to show you more... 

14 avril, 2013 — lisa gachet




A few weeks ago, the joyful spanish team from Bershka freshly arrived in Paris and spent 3 days visiting me... so I got to make them some Lemonade ! Their job was to make 4 short movies of myself giving some advices on blogging: «how to make a blog and find its identity», «how to update it», «how to find INSPIRATION» etc. Really a kind of survival guide to start your own blog in peace...

 I have to stay that it is not very easy for me to write this article because what it is really about is me, me and me again. And even though I write to you everyday or think about this blog all the time, in the end I only show you what I want to, and I don’t really go into things in any depth (It’s more about looks etc.). And despite that certain things are obvious to me such as the name of this blog, or the way I work, or even my inspirations, I often don’t know how to express them because they are simply rooted in me. Also I have been surrounded by superactive and supercreative people from all sorts of area of expertise so far therefore questions such as «where does your inspiration come from on this project?» or «how do you work your way when inspiration isn’t there?» or even «what is your deal with materials, why choose this one over another one ?» are just never asked. And that’s why when I am facing these questions I have to look for answers deep down in me because I don’t even ask them to myself, I simply do things and that’s it (well, I think a little bit in the process, it’s not like I am a machine or something)...

 Anyway, let’s get back to what we where saying! Having to describe my working process, to give advice and so on, was a real exercise to me and I will pass on the fact that had to explain to the team everything that I was about to say before the shooting and IN ENGLISH... And I am faaar from speaking fluent english you know, so I tried to make myself understandable with my little english and my own sign language and I think in the end it went all very well and we had a lot of fun ! (Btw, thank you guys ! I hope to see you soon in Barcelona..!)

 So I’ll leave you with the first 3 videos... The 4th is a DIY and I’ll make you an article with pictures and more surprises so be patient ! And please, be indulgent with my little voice and my search for words... («inspiration»...)


07 avril, 2013 — lisa gachet