Second day in New York with Gemey Maybelline, crazy things! Two shows, two backstage visits, beauty, smiles, unlikely encounters, a ready-to-see-the-city look and an hotel! Let me tell you all of it... 

Soo, day 2, I wake up at dawn to run to the Tommy Hilfiger Show, since I’m lucky I can get to the backstage. During the DVF show, everything was quite calm, make-up artists and hair-dressers were quite easy to approach, the atmosphere was electrical but quite similar to what I had seen in Paris. But the Hilfiger show was another story. Everything went like clockwork, there was at least three people for one model , it was swarming everywhere in some sort of controlled excitement, in a real american way actually. Regarding the show itself, it was surprising, refreshing and unexpected. 




The designer signs a chic but really sporty and colorful silhouette, exuberant leather and neoprene pantsuits, it made me think of California (the Beach Boys soundtrack probably helped a little). I like imagining the Tommy Hilfiger woman going for a 2-hours surf session before going straight to work. I had a crush on the colored silicon strings accessorizes, a bit like leashes’ surfboards that’d have been braided (DIY?). And also a huge crush on the mirrors sunglasses, I never dared wearing them but I have to admit that seeing them on the show made me want to try.




I’m wearing a jacket and lovely boots both from Sézane (that you’ll soon be able to shop on their site), a Gap jean and a crazy necklace by Sonia Rykiel.

Then in the afternoon I went to the Philipp Lim’s backstage where I found myself face to face with Avril Loufrani, the designer who works with him and who proved to be a former of Duperré as well!  The world clearly is too small... I loved the colors, the make-up’s mauves, the clothes’ metallic touches... And the impeccable lines of the silhouettes. I strongly advise you to soak up the collection.



Yesterday I was reading that one of you was frustrated not to see my pictures in full size... Well you can find them on the Gemey Maybelline’s Tumblr, there are so many pictures I want to share with you! See you tomorrow! Oh and also, I wanted to share the address of my hotel, «The Roger Hotel» on Madison Avenue, so cosy and adorable, with polka dots, stripes, vintage furnitures, everything I like I’m completely in love... And a special mention to their gargantuan breakfast.



11 septembre, 2013 — lisa gachet

11 p.m. Be superbe wear Sezane



My little kittens,

Here is the last picture of this special day, I hope you liked it, and I have to say a littleword about the unfortunate fact that Morgane and her team went through some technical issues during the setting of this new collection, but do not worry I’m sure that everything is under control and you will soon be superbe as well. I do hope this series has excited your curiosity and you’ll be there when Sézane will be ready. See you later...




10 septembre, 2013 — lisa gachet

9 p.m. let's party



It probably is my favorite picture of the series, I find it so true. When I look around me, with my friends, my acquaintances, and my representations of the woman, I imagine femininity like something sexy, independent and most importantly very funny. I like it when we meet just between us, the girls, to go out and drink wearing too much make-up, when we are together we end up forgetting our resolutions and our own image, we let go of our principles to be ourselves in the end. No filter, okay wearing too much make-up but just ourselves, laughing out loud. Let’s be flimsy...


10 septembre, 2013 — lisa gachet

4 p.m. Playtime



I’m thinking about another topic thanks to this picture, really high heels... The other day, my friend Justine B sent me a  doctumentary about shoes and their strange power of fascination, God save my shoes... I’d advise you to watch it with «second-degree» special glasses, it’s very funny and well made. It reassured me on the fact that sky-high heels are and will always be unwearable and uncomfortable. I need to stop making people believe that «Noo I’m telling you, they are ultra comfy and easy to wear everyday»... Bullshit I cry when I take them and I could totally change radically for a pair of Uggs right now. I live with it, they are high, they are pretty, they are killing me but they are beautiful, I love them etc... It’s a bit like a love story, we always end up forgiving them... And for the more reasonable of you rendez-vous on Sézane’s for this pair that I tested on a daily basis and even though they are a lot less high than what I am used to wear they are as sexy (with a special mention for their 80’s side).

10 septembre, 2013 — lisa gachet

1 p.m. Run baby RUN



I love the idea that you can work out at lunch time, you’d be a kind of perfect girl that eats organic food, drinks 2L of water a day and goes for a run during her lunch break... A myth to me ? I’d need a good dose of motivation and sublime running shoes to decide myself, and also the promise of a good meal afterwards... I’m thinking of something right now, does real glitter sneakers to run exist ?


10 septembre, 2013 — lisa gachet

10 a.m. Stayed Focused



And here is a second picture of our mood series with Sézane. Stay tunned girls... And stop zoning on blogs during the coffee break! Get out for some fresh air instead! Rendez-vous at 1p.m. girls...

10 septembre, 2013 — lisa gachet

8 a.m. Rise and Shine

A day with Sézane... 

It’s a special day on the blog... A few months ago, I met Morgane, the talented creator of Sézane. I literally had a crush for this young woman, I hope I’ll soon be able to make her portrait for «the good people» section, so you can meet her a little bit, she really is a very beautiful person...

On the professional side, we agreed on to open a club for hyper-active girls, happy to wake up in the morning and to start writing email at 7 am because it is impossible for us to sleep longer given that the day will be so full in surprises and developments. Some crazy girls that tasted the joy and the freedom of being your own boss, I think that some of you will see themselves in this club as well.

Sézane is a clothing, shoes and accessorizes brand that I love. Beyond the fact that I am a fan of its creator, when I see her collections I can feel that she put her heart into it, her items are made with taste and beautiful materials. It’s tangible... With her little team, she spreads her collections every months on her e-shop, it’s a real rendez-vous with her customers each time, true sézane addict, it’s crazy to see how Sézane unleashes passions, her products are sold out in no time.

When Morgane offered me to work for her as a set designer, to imagine a mood series around her new collection I was super flattered, especially because she uses beautiful images and she spreads out her fashion style like nobody else... I wanted to go further with this order by doing my job as a set designer but also by taking the pictures myself. What en experience! I literally loved it, after a visit to the photo-equipment renter and a training by my friend Charlotte Evrard I got started... What a satisfaction, I want more! I’ll show you this order all day long, I hope you’ll like it, and here is the picture #1!!

See you tonight for a fashion-week-in-NY report! Sweet kisses.



Merci à Morgane, Thomas et Corentin…

10 septembre, 2013 — lisa gachet

make my fashion week day1


Mes petits coeurs au beurre, 

I warned you about the fact that the back-to-school season was going to be rich, and it’s actually much more than that... It’s billionaire! I’m - one more time - incredibly lucky this year to be able to go to New York with Gemey-Maybelline to cover the fashion week. This year I wanted to «bring you with me», or as if you were there... Every night I’ll post my photos and video report about what I did the day before, shows, backstage, street style, looks, make up, addresses etc... Some sort of quasi live I know it’s crazy. So don’t hesitate to tell me about your desires, about things you’d like to see here, that I can film, take pictures of and bring back to you, I’m waiting !


look - day 1


(I’m wearing an Urban Outfiitters dress, an Asos perfecto jacket and a pair of velvet boots by Shellys London and the Vivid Rose 904 Gemey- Maybelline lipstick) 

Yesterday it was the Diane Von Furstenberg show, I wasn’t suppose to attend it but I kind of force the hand of the fate and, my lucky star being around, I was able to sneak in backstage, see and record the rehearsal and stand between two accredited photographer at the end of the cat-walk... I couldn’t believe it. 




This show was so refreshing: funny and colorful, I am really happy to get the chance to see it. The soundtrack was: Get Lucky from The Daft Punk, Blurred Lines from Robin Thicke, including Crazy in Love from Beyoncé or even marie J Blige... Nothing refined I admit but I think this great Lady doesn't take herself seriously and admit to choose the music of her shows according to what she has listened to during the past few months, and to what is playing in loop in her iPod... She dances, it works, I loved this energy, I WANT MORE! 

Sweet kisses, 

You little mouse.




09 septembre, 2013 — lisa gachet




My little cats!

How glad I am to be able to find some time to write to you! The back-to-school season is crazy, it keeps its promises, this weekend is a huge weekend for me, I'll tell you about a project I've been working on for months and that is finally coming to life I'm so excited! Anyways, back to our point...

Today I'm posting a little video of my august trip to Helsinki with my loving friend Mai, it is a sort of teaser for the big article I have for you with tons of addresses, beautiful encounters and vibrating colors... In the meantime you can catch a brief glimpse of my trip to the elves' and goblins' country!

I have so many things in mind, so much desire and beautiful things coming to me... And that will of course arrive around here soon! I can't wait to share all of these with you. How good it is to write to you! I'm sending you a coach full of positive vibes, love and desires.

Your faithful hyperactive carebear...



Merci Amandine, Satü, Virpi... et Tania bien sûr!

06 septembre, 2013 — lisa gachet




Et hop! 

Here is a little back-to-school post..! I'm all excited, there are so many things going on that I want to talk to you about ! I have to wait until the end of the week to tell you but you'll see, September is going to be cra-zyy around here... Okay, stop with the stamping !

Today, back to normal with a little recipe not really in the line of a healthy-back-to-school-resolution but I'm working on that as well... I was thinking that a good Banofee pie was a way of extending the holidays through the resumption, to keep the sun and the sweet... Next week we'll start the detox week. If, like me, you ingest Rosé and ice cream instead of water to hydrate yourself, resumption sounds difficult as much with your fridge as with your abs...

I highly overestimated the needed amount of bananas to make this recipe, so much that it is now very difficult for me to eat one more piece of it... Waiting for the "salad" week, I'm starting this one with a little "banana-detox"...

Lisa Banana.




To make this kind of sweet and savory Banofee, you will need for the base:

  • - 300 g of digestive biscuits
  • - 100 g of salted butter.

For the banana mix:

  • - 20 cl of crème fraîche, 
  • - 3 eggs,
  • - 1 plain yogurt, 
  • - 40 g of sugar,
  • - 4 bananas.

For the caramel with salted butter:

  • - 25 g of salted butter,
  • - 10 cl of full-fat liquid crème fraîche, 
  • - 150 g of superfine sugar.

For the Chantilly and deco:

  • - 20 cl of very cold whipping cream,
  • - 1 tablespoon of powdered sugar,
  • - a beautiful banana.

To start with, put the biscuits into your blender and make them crumbs. While you're making biscuit powder, put the salted butter to melt with a Bain-Marie or a microwave for a few seconds. Then mix the butter and the biscuits in order to have some sort of dough. Put the mixture into your mold and be careful to press it well with the bottom of a glass. When your crust is pressed in the bottom of your mold, put it in the fridge for at least one hour in order for the dough to harden and become a kind of giant biscuit.




Meanwhile, let's get to the banana mix: in a bowl mix together the eggs and the sugar, then the crème and the yogurt. Put slices of banana into your blender to mash them and then put it into the previous mix. Take your "pastry shell" out of the fridge and pour the banana mix on top. Bake for 30 minutes in your previously heated oven at 180°C.

While your banana mix is gently baking, make the caramel. First of all, pour 50 grams of sugar into a clean saucepan and cook it alone until it becomes liquid caramel, medium heat, then add 50 more grams of sugar. When it also becomes caramel, add the rest of the sugar. Meanwhile, put the butter to melt with the crème into a saucepan, medium heat. Be careful not to boil it. When the sugar is melted as well, withdraw it from the stove and add the butter/crème mix into it, thinning it down. Put the lot on a low heat for 3 minutes, stirring all the time the caramel that will become smooth and creamy.




When your banana pie and your caramel with salted butter are cold, put a fine layer of caramel on top of the banana mix. Let it freeze in your fridge while you're making the Chantilly and cutting the slices of banana. To make the Chantilly, take your electric beater and beat the very cold whipping cream in a mixing bowl. When the cream is starting to take hold, add the powdered sugar. Then generously spread the Chantilly on top of the caramel and add he slices of banana as you wish. Little trick to prevent them to spoil: put a few drops of lemon on their top, and above all ENJOY!





02 septembre, 2013 — lisa gachet

gust of wind, love and sun

My little kittens,

I'm just dropping by quickly, I'm making you AWESOME surprises for September, I can't wait to tell you all about it! You just need to be a little bit more patient... I'm on my way to a photo shooting for one of these surprises. But in the mean time I'm here to tell you that next Sunday with my friend Superbytimai and Elodie from Eleonore Bridge, we're opening our closets to make some room for new looks so if you wish you can come to get your fill of new clothes at ridiculously low prices! It's at La Penderie (métro Etienne Marcel this Sunday... All the informations are on the ad!

Je vous love!

Super Surpize Me



28 août, 2013 — lisa gachet


Happy vendredi my little owls, 

As usual on Friday, I have a lot of fun... I hope you’re enjoying your last days of holidays! I’m having difficulties with this resumption week, I make «to do» lists, I try to find some self-discipline for this resuming «new» year.

I try to imagine a schedule with all the things I have to do, day by day and week by week. I tell myself that even if I don’t do all the things I wrote on it, at least I’ll know where I am and I won’t wake up in the middle of the night thinking «DAMN, I completely forgot this thing... I didn’t send this email» Ok, I didn’t send this email but I know I had to do it... Not the same. Or I could have a «fantasy» calendar with early on deadlines, which means if I finish in the «dreamed» deadlines I’ll be completely zen or at least not so late for the D day... 

Stop thinking I’m crazy, I’m just trying to find the best way to maximize my time and God knows this return from the summer holidays will be crazy! I mean good crazy, with nice surprises that I hope you’ll enjoy!

Je vous embrasse bien fort comme un chateau fort, I have to go buy a second daily planner, to keep with my other life where I’m a perfect and organized girl...




Today, I’m only wearing old things but since I’m a nice girl I found you ersatz of my entire outfit (almost) you’ll see... The flowers in my hair are from H&M and you can still find them there. My skirt is from & Other Stories, you can find this one in red! My little sailor pullover Sonia By Sonia Rykiel is from a long time ago but you can find this adorable sailor tee-shirt. My lovey Carmen jacket found during press sales could also be this one and my studded shoes that unfortunately I could find elsewhere... 


23 août, 2013 — lisa gachet