19 septembre, 2014 — lisa gachet


17 juillet, 2014 — lisa gachet

Happy Monday MY LOVES



Happy monday sweeties, 
TA-DA, I am Sean Paul of Thrones ! I’m back this week, as I was telling you earlier this past month was quite complicated. To sum up I had to juggle between breaking-up, moving out, moving in and working as always. Okay now you know, I hope you’re ready to used your fingers all summer long. Because I am more than motivated to use my brain, to immerse myself into creation and to make beautiful things (well, to try at least..!). Last weekend, I was out for a snack with the sweet Pauline Darley and walking through the 10th arrondissement we stopped near Holly Belly to immortalize this ephemeral haircut. Yes ephemeral because I’m loosing the small braids from underneath every morning (scatter braids everywhere is so glamorous…)




As for every big change in life I wanted to change my look and to have my face cleared out… And since my hair are short, I have several little strands coming out of the braids which, according to Pauline D really looks like a little dragon… She knows how to talk to me… 




And as I rarely do things by half, there is novelty on my arm… A blue peony coming out of my Hokusai wave, realized by the talentedDamien Electric tattoo… Damien lives in London but often comes to Paris at Hand in Glove on Trousseau Street… The easiest way to contact him if you’re tempted is to send him as email via son facebook. I’m crazy about this color which is so vibrant, almost hypnotic, everybody asks me if it’s a real one. Compare to this peony, my wave suddenly aged…  



This post is quite simple on the stylization side but there are days where you just are simple, when you have Sean Paul’s hair you need to know how to remain quiet… Well, simple, I know what I mean, flowers… I’m wearing a flowery robe en jersey found in New York, my love three-fingers ring and a magical flower the sublime Karuna Balloo offered me for my second 25th birthday (btw her website is on sale! It’s time to enjoy it, isn’t it ?). Yes I know I’m very into flowers lately… Sweet kisses and stay tuned for Charlotte and her making of tomorrow…



30 juin, 2014 — lisa gachet




My little cats, 
I need to tell you: life is complicated lately but nothing important, I’ll tell you a little more about it soon… 
Last week just like that, like a sudden impulse, I got tired of having hair everywhere, I was in a hair-rehab phase with a scarf glued to my head and a gigantic bang on my forehead. Gravity had zero effect on my skull. I was the secret child of Justin Bieber and Sangoku (Dragon Ball Z and all…), I was hot. Needed to change…




I dream about having a bob. I’m not quite far but I’m not there yet, probably in a couple of weeks. And my hair is an ass. No really, there are nice hair, bipolar hair and there is mine, ass. I don’t know why, my back of my head grows really fast compare to the rest of my hair. So I regularly have a mullet. SEXY. The back of the head very loaded, the « bare neck that you want to kiss » freshly coming out of the hair dresser generally lasts 2 days. Then exit the kisses and seen from behind I look like Dick Rivers rather than Amélie Poulain. 
So I call my favorite hair dresser, our national Fred who immediately tells me to forget about bobbed hair because « it » isn’t ready. Soon but not yet. Then I see him, tell him about braids, really really long hair and game of thrones… We talk about extensions and Fred gets carried away, what if we make our own color strand, from the pastel pink to the baby blue. He wanted to shave astrological signs on me, I’m sure that would be great. But I was really afraid to end up with colored dreads, silk harem pants and a diabolo in my backpack. On consideration, we thought it was easier to keep it cool on the colors but to make braids, an urban ethnical touch that we liked, I advise you to look at the Pinterest board regarding this project…




So this is with that pinterest board that I met Fred at Chateau D’eau, Passage Brady, at Dovi’s. Dovi was filmed by Fred for this exposition at the Quai Branly last year, she scares me a little, she has about 2000 braids on her head. Fred is there to make the artistic direction of everything that happens on my head for the last two years and so far I’m never disappointed, everything will be fine. The adventure starts on the wrong foot, no signal, no wifi, no pinterest. I’m not sure Dovi gets the subtlety of the urban tribal braid Fred has in mind. I’m sacred, a little. We run buy some fake hair at a shop nearby. I think about some friends who came back from Thailand with flatten mini braids and multicolors beads at their ends. Cold sweat (in my mullet). Everything will be fine. I’m in the store, it’s crazy, so many things, hair of every colors except mine, I met coco oil, crazy barrettes, incredible hair mannequin heads, wigs that I never would have imagined… Too many possibilities. At the cashier it costs us 6 euros of fake hair. Dovi talks about Beyonce. It’s going to be okay, and suddenly my eyes stop on multicolor plastic beads, my jaw is clenching… 




Back to the Salon, Dovi brushes my future hair. I’m literally about to have 1 meter of hair in less than two hour of time. Better than fast-acting yeast. Everything is going to be fine. Dovi tells me that my hair is too short for what we had planned, I thought though but I secretly hoped it would work anyway. Too bad for this time, she starts with the neck and even there she says it’s really too short, I think she exaggerates because if there is one spot where my hair isn’t too short, it’s the neck ! Anyway, I can’t wait for her to be on the top of my head making large braids. 




2 doliprane later, I’m literally hypnotized with the small screen showing the tv show Coeur Océan (the dialogues are SO profound…). Fred had to leave and I find myself alone with Dove who braids like a machine. She starts the top of my head. I’m holding my breath but my artistic director did a good job and I feel my inner Beyonce appears in the passage Brady. 




It’s done, I look at myself, I don’t really see Beyonce in the end but… Sean Paul. And in the end, I think I’m more a Sean Paul than a Justin Bieber. It’s hard to make such a hard choice… Thank you Dovi for you patience! And to Fred for your love and these pictures… I’ll show you more pictures of the result in a few days. 




24 juin, 2014 — lisa gachet





My little chestnuts, 
I hope you’re doing great and you took care of yourselves during the weekend, did you enjoy the sun? How great was it… I’m here to continue this theme week about Carmen Miranda. I wish I could have taught you how to make a headband with real fruits but in real life, riding the bus with a cornucopia on your head isn’t easy… Unless you’re willing to look like a crazy person. One day I’ll tell you about my most daring choice of clothes that allies very refined look with uncontrolled misdemeanor, like some sort of look-related Kamoulox. Well, it’d need a full article. So for this Carmen Miranda DIY, it wasn’t easy. I wanted something simple because after last week’s petites culottes I didn’t want to loose any of my beginner’s audience… So today I’m giving you my fruited earrings. Easy Peasy have fun !
About this DIY: 
Length: about 30 minutes
Cost: 20 € with all the material (pliers not included)
Difficulty: finger in the nose




To make this DIY, you will need:
  • earring circles
  • crewel
  • small resin fruits
  • cutting pliers
  • round nose pliers
  • a pair of scissors
  • small rings
  • metal rods
  • rocaille beads.
I found the small fruits in a shop in Paris called JACKY PERLES, rue du Temple (you can’t make-up a name like this one) but I looked for some on the internet and you can find similar ones ici or 




First of all, let’s learn how to make little pompom with some thread, that I’m sure will end up on all of your creations. Take 70 cm of crewel. 




Fold it in half, then again in half, repeat the operation until it makes less than 5 cm. Then take a small ring and put the thread into it. 




Place the ring at the center of you small bundle of thread, cut about 10 cm of crewel. 




Fold your small bundle of thread in half around the ring and use the extra 10 cm of thread to fix the lot: make a few circles and a few knots. 




Grab your scissors and but the loops to make your pompom, then refresh its cut for it to be perfect. 




Repeat the steps as many time as you want pompoms (you’ll see that it gets enjoyable quite fast). And now let’s get to the fruits! 




Take a fruit bead, a rocaille bead and a rod, thread the rocaille bead into the rod, then thread the fruit bead, take you round-nose pliers for the following steps. 




Wind the rod on itself to make a small ring and repeat the steps for the other fruits. 




Then thread your fruits and pompoms into your earring circles as you wish. We made two different earrings to be even more tutti frutti ! 




and TA-DA !


09 juin, 2014 — lisa gachet



Purple turban Zelda Citroën, and paper fruits by MrPrintables, necklace found in Malaysia, an Asos lemon top and an H&M skirt.
My little cats, my butter biscuits, 
I’m sorry I wasn’t there as often as I would have liked for this theme week. I’m not going to give you details because it’s not the place to do so but I was preoccupied with not so funny personal things. All that aside I’m happy to show you this photo shoot with the very talented Charlotte Abramow, at the lemonade studio we can’t have enough of her! I wanted to revisit the spirit of Carmen Miranda’s movies, starting with Weekend in Havana ! But I didn’t want to be too literal about it, no realistic fruited headband but paper ones, colors but not too many flounces, some editorial craziness but still urban. 



Scarf Cléo Ferin Mercury, Flower Karuna Balloo, Necklace Marion Godart, and crazy dress by Asos
We prepared this shoot while preparing the Anais Anais one, the office became a colorful dressing room where tutus mixed with giant crochet fruits from Anne Claire Petit. I have to admit it was completely awesome to look for items with colorful patterns to mix them together: it’s my favorite thing right now. 




Strapless dress Tara Jarmon, skirt Asos, shoes River Island, turban Zelda Citroën x Reine Rosalie, Flowers Karuna Balloo, earrings and ring N2. Giant crochet strawberry Anne Claire Petit.
The goal of this photo shoot was to transport you to a #purelycuban universe, exotic, colorful and fruited! So you can expect some cocktail recipes of course, but also a food-related video and goodies, I think it’s awesome to have such freedom with the blog. 




Scarf and blouse Tara Jarmon, skirt Derhy, vintage golden bracelets, banana bracelet Marion Godart, blackberry earrings  N2, socksDoré Doré, and shoesWhat For and awesome lemon by Anne Claire Petit.

I don’t know if you remember but during the last fashion week, Nelly from Make My Beauty made my crazy with her yellow make-up on the eyes, for Thomsen! Well she was kind enough to come on a very early Saturday morning to do my make-up for this photo shoot. I only have one idea in ming ever since: find this Nars yellow blush… By the way I’m about to try one of these coaching make up classes, I really want her to teach me how to do this « Glow » face. My nails are lemon yellow of course, it’s a Nailmatic nailpolish, the SOWA shade. 




Turban Zelda Citroën x Reine Rosalie, strawberry hat Karuna Balloo, earrings N2. Jacket Derhy, honeycombed dress Maje, yellow tutuAsos, socks Doré Doré and sneakers Le coq sportif.
And we also worked with the talented Alexandra Bruel for this shoot (which I don’t need to introduce to you now!). With Alex we are currently collaborating to work on projects that we really care about… Projects in which we can experiment new media and we really want to make so wallpapers, jewelry, serigraphy… So for this shoot, it was the beginning of our paradise print and polka-dot wallpaper. Our little project, our group of two is named POUR L’AMOUR (for love). To be continued! 



 Turban Zelda Citroën x Reine Rosalie, tragic in American Apparel x Nathalie du Pasquier, and collar Carven, golden bracelets by Chic Alors, and resin bracelets by Scooter.



Watermelon socks Doré Doré, nailpolish Nailmatic, #purelycuban (follow the #purementcubain hashtag for beautiful adventures), suitcase Bakker made with love, sunglasses Jimmy Fairly, shoes River Island, Bracelet Scooter.
So, did you enjoy it ? Sweet kisses and take care of yourselves during this weekend ! 



make-my-lemonade-happy-friday-carmen-miranda-10  Turban Zelda Citroën x Reine Rosalie, tragic en American Apparel x Nathalie du Pasquier, and collar Carven, Golden Bracelets by Chic Alors, and resine bracelets by Scooter, pants Tara Jarmon, shoes Morgan.

06 juin, 2014 — lisa gachet



My little chestnuts, 
Today we keep setting the scene for this Carmen Miranda week… And I’d like to introduce you to my officemate the awesomeRadiooooo. So what is it ? Well Radiooooo (with 5 ‘o’) is a website where you’ll be able to listen to music starting in September. Okay great thank you for the idea. No wait to hear for the full concept it’s great! The concept is geniously explained in the small video on the website (they’re also paper addict…). Well the concept is a map of the world on which you can choose the country and the decade from the 1900’s to nowadays. Gigantic musical archives, magical sound cure, there isn’t all the music of the world but only the best songs to them, they selected la crème de la crème for your ears. And it also is a social network where you can submit tunes, if you are (for instance) an expert in Poland music from the 40’s you can send them your gems and they put them in the relevant playlist. 
Since we have to wait for September to listen to those rare sound gems, in the meantime Noémie and Benjamin made us a fruited playlist to our special Carmen Miranda week. You can enjoy it here on Spotify and you’ll see the list of the tunes with the associated video clip below, be prepared ! 


make-my-lemonade-radiooooo-carmen miranda


To make all of these paper fruits that you’ll see on the top of my head by the end of the week, rendez-vous on a really awesome american website: Mr Printables



03 juin, 2014 — lisa gachet


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Hello my little butter biscuits ! 
I’m just passing by on this Sunday to tell you about a nice collaboration I was lucky enough to make with Bourjois. The kind of creative partnership I love: drawing a collection of temporary tattoos for this summer. As some of you might have guessed I’m currently finalizing another book/set about temporary tattoos with the Eyrolles editions (which is also in partnership with Bourjois, I’m fond of long-lasting love stories) so if everything goes well you should be able to be entirely tattooed with my drawings by the end of 2014. 


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In the meantime to find this temporary tattoos kit, rendez-vous on the Bourjois online shop or at your local Monoprix or Sephora. The 50 tattoos are sold for 8,75€ while stocks last (I’ve always wanted to say that…). Sweet kisses and I’m quite nostalgic while posting these pictures because they were taken in Noosa… See you tomorrow for the beginning of a new Theme week ! 

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01 juin, 2014 — lisa gachet




Happy Saturday sweeties ! 
How excited I am to give you this DIY ! I found the path to my sewing machine again and I didn’t think it could fill me with so much joy. I don’t need much after all! I take this opportunity to ask you if you know a silkscreen printing workshop in Paris where I could have fabric boards silkscreened ? We never know and I really have some trouble finding one in Paris. Back to our topic, during the making of this DIY I was thinking about what we could embroider on the front of the panties, I wanted to embroider strawberries, raspberries, cherries, something red, this baby blue poplin chosen by Charlotte made me think about Snow White…Then while tidying the office (the lemonade studio is so well organized that Bree Van de Kamp would be proud) I found golden mini lobster iron-on adhesives that I bought in New York last September. General hysteria in the office, we’re going to embroider lobsters on the panties, the idea is so absurd and unconventional that it wins everyone’s approval, even the men’s. I will spare you the search of the title of this article, you escaped nice puns… I hope you’ll like this blue and golden seven-days set of panties (too bad for the red berries patch, I’d rather paint my nails with that color).




Cost: about 30 euros for everything
Length: about 1 hour for each panties
Difficulty: average but don’t worry you’ll become the queen of panties !




To make this DIY you’ll need: 
  • the template of the panties that you’ll find here, here and here (S, M, L)
  • some fabric (here we used cotton poplin but you can also use tulle for instance)
  • some golden thread
  • a sewing machine
  • some satin ribbon (about 10m)
  • 7 lobsters or other patch to embroider (you can find plenty of them here)
  • some tracing paper
  • an embroidery ring
  • a pair of scissors
  • 10 m of elastic (for a 150-cm panties)
and for the box: 




After you download and print the templates, cut your parts, pin the crotch part with the front part then with the back part. Sew at 0,5 cm from the edge. Then take you second crotch part and place it on top of the previous seam, pin and assemble them as close to the previous seam as possible, you can even superimpose the seams.  



Iron the crotch well to check that all parts are lined up, then on the front part of the panties lightly fold the top for it to be of the same size as the first one. 




Mark this fold with your iron at the junction between the crotch and the front of the panties, pin and sew that part while trying to sew it as close to the edge as possible to superimpose the seams and get a clean result. 




Put your machine on the zigzag stitch position or on the buttonhole stitch with a 1 stitch width (the smallest) and sew this zigzag stitch on every edges of your panties to have a clean finish, like some sort of neatness embroiderer. 




Take small scissors and cut the possible ungraceful threads. You can then download the days file here (in french of in english, your call). Print it and trace the day of your choice.




Then trace it at the center of your panties (here at 2 cm from the top of the panties). Use the embroidery ring to stretch your fabric well and start embroider. 




Make small stitches close from each other, we tried the chain stitch but it was too rough for this typography so make dotted lines of a few millimeters with your embroider stitches. Then take you lobster or other patch, iron it on and embroider it so you won’t loose your seafood in the washing machine! 




Take your elastic (29 cm for the front waist and 29 cm for the back waist and 45 cm for the crotch parts) and start sewing the elastic with a zigzag stitch (stitch width: 4). You have to pull your elastic for it to join both ends of the panties. You’re going to tell me that the elastic length is shorter than the fabric but that’s normal, you have to pull (gently) on the elastic to make him as long as the part you’re applying it on. You have to dose and pull evenly in order to create uniform pleats, it’s all going to be okay you’ll get through it! 




You can already admire the little pleats forming thanks to the elastic and keep it on with the crotches. 




Cut 4 x 30 cm of ribbon (it’s nicer if it’s bevelled), pin them on the ends of the panties and sex them at 0,5 cm of the edges of the panties.  My ribbon comes from Shindo (2 rue d'Aboukir 75002 Paris).




Make nice knots and TA-DA ! 




Now let’s get to the box ! 




Once your templates printed, take your ruler and blunt scalpel and lightly draw the lines you’ll use to ease the folding. Come one: 1, 2, 3 Fold, follow the dotted lines of your templates ! 




You now have to fold again each side on itself several times while sliding the small external stripes or the angles below. Repeat the same steps with the second part of the box which is a little larger… 




Then fold your nice panties: both sides toward the inside. 




And one last fold ! (Yes we thought you might not know how to fold a panties…)




You just have to put it inside the box and TA-DA ! 




And here is a little gif to finish! And since you are the best reader in the whole world, I’d like to thank you by making you win this seven-days set… To do so leave me a comment telling me why you should have it more than anybody else (and tell me your size from XS to XL, I’ll make another set for the winner) ! I’ll draw the winner on next Saturday, I can’t wait to read from you and in the mean time the saturday lobster and I are wishing you a great weekend !



31 mai, 2014 — lisa gachet




Happy friday my little cats! 
I hope you’re doing great, and yes another week is gone ! How crazy ! I have little surprises for you during the upcoming days… A sewing DIY for tomorrow, another surprise on Sunday and a Theme week starting monday ! It fills me with a giant satisfaction to successfully complete projects I wanted to see come true for a long time. 
The sewing templates project is also making great progress. I think about it so hard I might burn a few neuron in the process, about costs, packagings, instructions… It is a very very exciting new rendez-vous. I talk I talk I talk and I forget the main thing: the weekly happy friday ! 




A few months ago now, I was contacted by Laurence and Fabrice the two characters of "L’instant Parisien". So on Tuesday we met in the quite sad weather of the 19th arrondissement of Paris. Between two smoking tea we made some cinemagraphs together on the abandoned rails at the Buttes Chaumont, a great moment quite out of time. 
But what is the difference between cinemagraph and gif ? Well, cinemagraphs are minor repeated movements filmed and exported as gif. The result is that only the movement is permanent and flowing whereas the entire decor is steady like a picture. Last week a reader wrote a comment saying that my gifs made her think about the animated newspaper in the Harry Potter saga. Well the cinemagraphs are exactly like that. It clear is the Rolls Royce of the gif, the n°5 of the animated image. And it’s the specialty of the L’instant Parisien website! It really makes me want to do some… But when Fabrice tells me it sometimes takes 4 to 5 hours to make one cinemagraph, I have to admit it discourages me a little. I try to make some at my own level but exporting files on photoshop is always very unpredictable and it was confirmed by Fabrice… To be continued ! You can find these gems here!




Let’s get to the point: I’m wearing an Antipodium dress, an Asos perfecto, a Reine Rosalie earring. A Le Tanneur handbag. And I’m sticking to my guns by wearing TopShop socks with Sézane heels. 




Thank you Fabrice and Laurence for this making of !! 


Lisa Gachet Makemylemonade & L'Instant Parisien from Fabrice Le Dantec on Vimeo.

30 mai, 2014 — lisa gachet


Dear little otters, 
(this name might change since Lisa, unlike me, doesn’t think that otters are one of the best animal in the world)… I hope you’re doing great, I’m here to tell you about the backstage of the Anais Anais shoot, because yes as you might imagine behind those beautiful pictures there is a lot of organization and adventure ! So without further ado here is the first phase of a shooting’s organization !




In the first phase, after le brief, the inspiration pictures and the choice of the shoot’s universe and the photographer, it’s time to deal with stylization. So we go to press offices to get different clothes and to choose the looks we will then shoot. For this series we went to the Cacharel showroom to select items for the stylization. As you might see, yes, it is an amazing place with a design both pure and sweet as a caress: look at this door ! Even before getting inside the showroom we were dived into a light and colorful world, well simply the Cacharel universe… (and why not a deco/paining stain DIY…?).



To complete the stylization we made little sliver flowers crowns in order to bring to some modernity and a homemade touch to the shoot. Hundreds of little flowers cut with our magical machine: I’m talking about the famous Silhouette (baptized Raoul a few weeks ago). No I’m not watching Breaking Bad while working, and don’t worry I cleaned my office (a little) since that picture…  




And a few days later when the weather stopped being unpredictable we were finally able to shoot with the incredible Charlotte Abramow. There always is some unexpected and we had to change a few looks because of Justine B.’s absence. Imagine Lisa and Alexandra with very few clothes on walking like nymphs in the middle of tourists and kids, a moment of pure magic between trunk’s climbing and hill’s descents. It’s always hard to shoot outside but Charlotte is a pro to find the right place and the perfect light (because yes, light is one of the most important factor inside and outside) !




The difficulty of outside pictures also is to be able to avoid external elements disturbing the image (like passer-by, street lamp or any other typical street furniture you find in parisian parks). Willing to have a savage decor we had to deal with the numerous people who also wanted to enjoy the friday night’s sun. On this picture you can also enjoy this most friendly look Lisa’s giving me. And yet I hadn’t say anything, I didn’t mock or insulted Frida or anything else, the reason of this look remains a mystery… 




Well talking about Frida, it’s true that we see her less now we have our office but at the first opportunity she likes to bring her personal touch and to participate to the stylization by laying down on the clothes (yes I can imagine your disappointment discovering that Frida isn’t only grace and voluptuousness). Yes because the preparation of a shooting is also that: lots of ironing beforehand to avoid losing time on the D day. 




Shooting, phase 2 : smoke ! Unless what we might think looking at the final pictures, it is very hard to control smoke, it’s simple it never obeys. We therefore have no advice to give you if you want to use some unless do it in a ventilated place (it gave us a few coughing fits…). 



To come back to the flowers crowns, we already thought you’d want to make them but unfortunately this metallized paper is only available to professionals and here is all your misfortune.  But don’t worry, we thought about you and here is a little contest to win three crowns and Anais Anais and Premier délice fragrances !
To do so, rendez-vous on the Make My Lemonade Instagram account: follow @makemylemonade, re-port cette photo: to re-post a picture you simply have to make a screenshot… and caption it with a little sentence and the hashtag #makemyanaisanais ! I’ll draw three winners on next Tuesday! Sweet kisses and thank you for everything ! 
29 mai, 2014 — lisa gachet




Happy monday my cupcakes ! 
Do you remember this post "un nouveau brief" for the reedition of the legendary Anais-Anais, where I was telling you about the first steps of a project, with a mood board, the search of the perfect photographer, the stylization, the models and so on… ? I’m not going to repeat myself but for those of you who didn’t read the previous article, Cacharel wanted to promote a generation of ultra creative young women for their newest campaign, trusting Olivia Bee, barely 20 years old, to shoot their last imagery. All this was articulated around a strong feeling of belonging and the idea of « Girls tribe », a sort of poetic 2.0 girl power in short. In the previous post I was saying that I hoped that the photographer I had in mind would accept to collaborate with me on this project. Well she did (happy dance and all, one day I’ll dance it just for you…) and today I’m giving you the result of Charlotte Abramow’s job, again a 20-years-old photographic genius. It’s annoying, isn’t it ? 




Alexandra is wearing a Maison Olga top, a Cacharel neoprene skirt. I’m wearing a Mina Crew dress and a Galia necklace.
As for my tribe, I wanted to make this shoot with Justine B., my favorite lobby boy and Alexandra B. (yes I know the ultra talented girl who made the last design of the blog is also a stunner). But life is so that Justine had way too much work and couldn’t come that day so it’s a mini tribe that I show you today. 




I’m wearing a Samsoe samsoe dress, a vintage cape, Alexandra is wearing an EDC dress and a sublime Polder coat, and homemade flowers crowns but I’ll tell you about them later… 
The location was very important and it’s after several scouting that I thought the Buttes Chamont were the perfect place, I wanted to do it at dawn but Charlotte convinced me otherwise, she said that the light would be softer at the end of the day. She is the expert! I’m really more than happy to have been able to work with her, she is really brilliant, passionate and of course absolutely awesome ! Every Charlotte is a gem after all ! 




I also really wanted to use smoke, I love the idea of an « apparition », a bit like a waking dream. In real like it is actually very hard to use when there is a bit of wind… I smile thinking of some hysterical scenes but I’ll let Charlotte S. tell all these anecdotes in this series’ making of. 




And the stylization… One of my favorite moments when I prepare a shoot. I wanted to find sweet and soft pieces but not too softie. Paster tones without being cheesy. Something modern that I could actually wear in real life. Dresses yes, but with sneakers or boots to twist them a little. I was afraid to make a young stylization… Yes we’re not 16 anymore to wander around barefoot wearing liberty with flowers in the hair.




Alexandra is wearing Cacharel skirt and top, a Claudie Pierlot leather jacket and a pair of Converses. I’m wearing a Cacharel dress with an Undiz bustier, an Asos open shirt and Jeffrey Campbell boots. 




Alexandra is wearing a Maison Olga top, a Cacharel micro neoprene skirt. I’m wearing a Mina Crew dress and a Galia necklace.
Can we stop for 2 minutes on the length of Alex’s hair ? She lends me some sometimes… 





I hope you enjoy our own version of the Girls tribe. We wanted some affinity and freshness, I really like this girls tribe idea, I don’t think it has to be a matter of generation. I think that today more than ever I’m building my little crew of ultra creative girls all area included: graphic design, writing, production, translation, sewing and I’m sure I’m forgetting at lot. Damn, the time I was 16 is far gone but I think that life is getting better and better over time after all. 




Love you ! And don’t forget to publish your inspired pictures, have fun, put yourselves in situation with your tribe and publish your pics from the #SUNRISE them mentioning @anaisanaisofficial @makemylemondade with the #anaisanais and #girlstribu hashtags. We’ll talk about it on Wednesday with Charlotte’s making of, we’ll give you some presents as well… 



26 mai, 2014 — lisa gachet